Generating the original NC programs from the associated
Programmer V5 project.
Comparison of original NC-programs with the optimized NC-programs.
The non-identical main and subprograms are displayed.
Part 1 Comparison of the program structure
If the program structure is not identical, the operation plan must be adapted in Programmer V5.
For this purpose, the differences between the main structures are highlighted in color and displayed (see Figure 1).

The user can now adapt the structure of the source code to the optimized version.
This process is repeated until a difference in the program structure is no longer detected when the comparison is repeated.
Part 2 Comparison of the subprograms
In a list, all subroutines are displayed.
Subprograms which are different have a mark (see Figure 2).

After selecting a subroutine, the original NC program and the optimized NC program are displayed.
All differences are highlighted in the optimized NC program (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Differences in the subroutines
With Copy-Paste the corrections can be taken over from the optimized NC program to the original source program (see Figure 4).
Also possible are manual corrections in the original source code.

Figure 4: Inserting the optimized NC code into source code
This process is repeated until no difference is found in the subroutine in another comparison.